Though we are @1492problems in this country, we can correct the issues with $olutions! And that begins with each of us standing togayther, for there is strength in numbers. Below are resources & action points we can each take to help protect our community. In addition, it is our core mission to have HR for ALL .
First and foremost, the Equality Act is up for debate to be voted on in the Senate. Go to the HRC website for templates on how to initiate a YES on this very important vote. Also: continue to demand that our trans brothers and sisters are protected, on a local level and on a national scale. Here is a link of organizations to financially back, and here is a link of harmful bills we must actively fight.
This is a list of 32 black-owned businesses that focus on assisting the LGBTQ+ community. Become informed with each, donate if able.
Questions about Prep? This is an amazing service that I use. They have a 24/7 call-line that will help answer questions and to even help you pay for the prescription.
What is happening to the children inhumanely detained at the American border is unacceptable. Take action and demand change! Furthermore, we must Abolish ICE.
Donate money to programs that support Native communities (link below for some examples). Learn Native American history and surround yourself with the current, beautiful culture. Be informed on whose stollen land you live on. Amplify indigenous voices, and buy their products! Thank you!
It's simple: Free Palestine. Save Palestine. Link below is a one-stop shop.
We still do not have necessary protection, such as Anti-Lynching Laws, accountability for Police Officers, the ending of No-Knock Arrests, a livable wage base-pay, and an Equal Rights Amendment. Demand that your Politicians pass comprehensive bills today.
There are four articles here for your reference! Thank you Lambda Legal, thank you Blavity News, thank you Oprah Magazine, and thank you Pride!
The Lost Colony (play) has agreed to no longer use redface, and to hire a third-party HR team to oversee future complaints because we demanded it. Article 1, Article 2. If you see other shows utilizing the same problems, please take action. And feel free to inform me
The usage of Christopher Columbus must be removed from all statues, roads, schools, etc. As well as the removal of all confederate soldiers/generals. No more. If you see a petition, please sign!
Several cities across the country have begun to do the work of ending contracts with policing in schools. Children deserve an equal opportunity to education and community, neither of which can happen under the hellacious school-to-prison pipeline. Demand it ends in your neighborhood today. And de-privatize ALL prisons.
Individuals need to always, continuously have autonomy over their own bodies, no excuses. No government agencies, no man, no other individual "opinion" should determine what any person does to and with their own body. Protect womxn's reproductive rights at the link below.
Vote each and every election. You've a voice, utilize it. It is important and it affects your community. Don't think that you have power? Well, letting others use their vote to speak for you certainly is powerless. So vote EVERY election. And go here to PROTECT the vote for all.
Below are resources for your everyday use, and for utilization in your place of work. I highly encourage you to employ the tools to make sure that you are using gender-affirming language, and to educate quickly those that may have questions about pronouns. Thank you to the LA LGBT Center for providing these charts.
Thank you to the Department of Labor for their website, which is in and of itself a tool kit. And thank you to all local HR departments ready and willing to work with artistic projects/organizations, you are so desperately necessary and needed. Please refer to this website, and demand that all artistic endeavors you work on have third party HR for reporting and safety on all projects. No excuses about budget. Make crew safety and accountability pillars of your budget. Budget for HR.
If you hear of anything that the community needs to be on the lookout for in the specific,please contact me, and I'll add it to the calendar!
Your Local Voting Booth
Remember to register to vote prior to voting. Find your local voting booth here. And keep up with ALL local elections here.
Your Local Voting Booth
We are currently at 1492problems, but together we can curate 2021 solutions. Aside from being an actor, writer and producer, I make agayzing merchandise. I sell colouring books. And I am passionate about the safety of all in each and every creative space. Right now creative spaces severely lack checks and balances. We need HR. Please click, where is HR to get involved and to demand safe spaces for all.
Happy browsing my site! And I hope that you have a great day!
But togayther, we can provide 2021 solutions. Reach out to me if there is anything I can help with, if there is something I should add, or a correction need be made here. I am here to hear and I will do my best. Good vibe$ to you and yours.
Los Angeles, California, United States
Adam Griffin, currently @1492problems. Smile and remember, "What Would Carol (Burnett) Do!"
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