This is an initiative demanding change across the board for all creatives to have access to HR, so that we have the necessary support on each and every creative project. Tools, accountability, trust, and a healthy work environment. The arts are a a business. It's time we start running them like one. It's time we have HR on all projects. From art museums, to dance studios. From community and regional theatres, to TV and Film.
Across the board, all creatives, in all endeavors deserve safe spaces. Accountability. Action. Art. We need HR.
This is a template letter to get the conversation started with any creative project leader. Please edit it to your needs.
When picking third-party HR representatives for your project, check for accreditations such as SHRM.
Here is a list of suggested needs and ask for/from a given third-party HR representative working with your creative project.
PDF documents for best usage in any office, including: a letter of of encouragement, and tools for companies, specifically the continued learning for allies. LGBTQ+ people need our protection and encouragement. Enclosed are pronoun worksheets that can easily be printed and utilized by any business. As well as a toolkit for trans youth. (Both of these are courtesy of LA LGBT Center). HR is needed, but it is just the beginning. For continued mutual respect and comfortability in all creative environments, intimacy coordinators cannot be recommended more highly.
If you've tools to add, please email
Thank you!
Adam Griffin, currently @1492problems. Smile and remember, "What Would Carol (Burnett) Do!"
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